Ways to Show CAAS Some Love This Valentine's Day


It’s Valentine’s Day! Want to show CAAS some love? Here are a few ideas!

  1. Talk about us on social media

    Spreading the word about our work is one of the easiest things you can do and has some of the biggest impact! Something as simple as resharing our posts helps connect us with the people who might need it most. Our monthly renter’s meeting post might be a good one to start out with!

  2. Become a volunteer

    Volunteers make the earth go around! Have a free weekend? Help us distribute literature on tenants’ rights in Somerville. Love working with kids? Become a volunteer in our Head Start classrooms. Got a mind for numbers? Become a Volunteer Income Tax Assistant. The opportunities are endless! You can fill out an interest form on our website.

  3. Subscribe to our newsletter

    Our newsletter is one of the best ways to keep up with CAAS! Every month, we share news and posts about what’s going on with CAAS, give you a roundup of housing news across the state, and tell you more about how you can get involved! You can get signed up here.

  4. Make a donation to CAAS

    Our work isn’t possible without support from our community members, and any amount truly does help. The easiest and most effective way? Set up a recurring donation! This allows us to do better financial forecasting and allows us to maximize your donation.

  5. Get your workplace involved

    You might not realize it, but there are tons of ways to get your workplace involved with supporting CAAS! There are lots of places that match employee donations to nonprofits. Or see if there’s any interest in getting your team involved in a Day of Service!

  6. Tell your friends about our work

    We may be in a digital age, but word of mouth continues to do wonders! We’re centered around community. Telling your friends and neighbors is one of the most important ways to help us connect with more people right here in our beloved city of Somerville.